
86 'Em! Concept Art

Concept art for the main character for a scene I am storyboarding in a comic book format. More posts shortly as I will finish it in the next few weeks :)


Little Update: Very Close to Done with the Linework

Still working on the line drawing, but nearly done.  Probably half a day or so left on the line and then I can start to abolish the line drawing as I keep refining the values.  I'm thinking to keep everything grayscale except for the blood, tattoo design color and the filleted flesh.  Keeping color in only the blood and filleted skin is just too "Sin City" and generic for my tastes.

Cut 'N Paste: Refining Line & Lighting Test

Made alterations to the line drawing to make it a more immediate read and did an early test of the lighting.  Still have to finish the final alterations to the line drawing.  Thanks for looking.


Cut 'N Paste 2nd Draft Line Drawing

I'm pretty excited to show you the line work for the 2nd draft of Cut 'N Paste! It is heads and shoulders above the previous version and was a bugger to get all the perspective right, but a good learning experience. Next, I 'm going to take this scanned drawing into Photoshop with it on a low opacity layer to rough out the values below until the line drawing is no longer necessary to view the image. The goal is to make it appear as an old battered and beaten black and white photo. We'll see :)

This Friday I'm planning to join the Dominance War online challenge and am stoked about the challenge and seeing how my stuff stacks up. You can check out the Dominance Wars here


Cut 'N Paste

The values are pretty much all fleshed out. Now it is on to cleaning up the edges and detailing it out to the point where the line work is no longer needed.