
More Progress (still have a lot left)

Well there were some greatly needed alterations to the background. Before, it felt too typical and ordinary. So I decided to build around the Arabic calligraphy visual style that I utilized for the client/criminal mastermind on the right of the image. The canvas size was a bit too comfortable and I was too concerned with the edge of the canvas, so I added to the top of the canvas to open up the scene and releave the creative block that I was banging my head against.

This aided in the telling of the story and establishing where we are and who is behind everything. The Inventor is imprisoned himself and all around him are other prisoners in these circular/tuna can cells with geometric bar patterns. On the top of the image is a chandelier hanging from the ceiling cage, which has armed guards standing above to overlook the prisoners. Several prisoners are blocked in with different poses and emotional states as well. Some are watching what is going on and others are sick in their despair, ignoring what evil creation is unwilling being made by the inprisoned Inventor.

There will also be a multitude of candles resting on the floor's of their cells (symbolic of hope) to go along with the incense and candled chandalier. I didn't want the situation to feel overly bleak and hopeless, like most prison images. This painting is an allegory painting with much careful planning.

I also added much more detail to the Client/Imprisoner, finished detailing out the storage containers on the lab table, gave the ArmCandy babe with the Client a tigher waist and sexier curves. I also finished the line work for the Inventor's wife, the figure that is walking towards the table. She is also carrying the Inventor's child in her belly (she's a robot creation in case you didn't notice). The unborn child's silhouette will be viewable from beneath her gown, with her belly glowing beneath it.

I still think that the Inventor's face and expression could also use some work. It doesn't seem like he is as unwilling or reluctant or in pain at having to create something that will solely be used for evil. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

All I have left is finishing the prison details, which will be a very intricate brick design. Then its on to the black and white values, then adding color and getting this bad boy done!

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